Wednesday, July 30, 2014

New toys

I derive very little satisfaction from the digital age. That's one reason why this site is updated so infrequently. I'd much rather be actually doing things than writing about them. In fact, I am considering doing away with it all together. Anyway, I came to the realization one day that all the photos I've taken since abandoning my film camera are only as permanent as their file types. Yes, I know I can get prints of digital photos. What a pain. I remembered when we would finish a roll of film, drop it in the mail, and a week or two later, we'd excitedly examine our fresh prints. It was such a treat to get them in the mail and see how we did.

Hence my latest foray into unknown territory: a 35mm SLR, flash (not pictured) and lenses
Not knowing what an SLR is, I never understood why professional film photography was so good and my own pictures were mediocre at best. I don't care anything about art, but I'm learning about the mechanics of exposure and what the different lenses do and finding it all fascinating. I absolutely love the remote shutter cable. And so much more versatile and user friendly than my digital camera, which is pretty fancy in itself, although outdated by todays standards. Like I care.

I really regret not doing this years earlier. Especially before going to Japan. When I was there, I just bought disposables locally because digital cameras were still expensive then and I was afraid of damaging mine. The results were dismal.

I'm keeping notes of the lens and settings I used for each frame for when I get them back.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cloth books for children

Excerpts from a couple of cloth books I made for my niece when she was new. One is a book of the alphabet. The other is a busy book with activities. All of the artwork is original. All of the pages from both books were available for viewing in a picasa gallery but google decided I didn't need that any more.

A Couple of Dolls

Here are a couple of cloth dolls I made several years ago. The naked one is still in progress. The orange hair is my own. There were many pictures chronicling both dolls' construction available for viewing in a picasa gallery but google decided I didn't need that any more.