Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cast on rag-best idea ever

I really hate casting on. It never works right and I end up having to undo tangles and redo several times. Even using the Brother comb, I don't always get it on the first try. Then I remembered permanent waste yarn. I'd already made one for my Bond--just cast on as usual with the hem and knit several rows in a color you'd probably never use; then secure the open stitches and remove from machine. Next time you start a project, use this with ravel cord and never have to cast on with elastic cord again.

I finally made a cast on rag for my standard gauge after Diana ( made a video about it. All you do is cast on however many needles you want it wide, make a hem deep enough to insert weights, hang hem and knit a few more rows. Secure the stitches somehow--I passed yarn through them--and remove from machine.

Next time you cast on, hang stitches from this "rag" on needles and insert weight into the casing. If you have a Bond, a rod or two makes a perfect weight. Knit a row of ravel cord and cast on according to your project.

I've only used it 4 times, but I already know I'll never go back to the old way of casting on.